Johnnie Walker Gold Cooler

USD 55

  • Includes personalization with glass engraving of up to 15 characters of names, dates, initials, etc.
  • Includes box.
  • Shipping of the product is not included in the price.
  • We send the product to all of Argentina by private door-to-door mail. CONSULT US!
  • Consultations by WhatsApp from the application on this page bottom left.

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5/5 - (12 votes)

La Johnnie Walker Gold whiskey cooler It is a product created by hand by Lanchi glass artist and co-founder of Green Glass. The bottle was reused so that it can enter circulation again, and not be thrown away like millions of bottles throughout Argentina and the world. This is a premium sustainable product because it has exclusive finishes that take maximum care of every detail.

Johnnie Walker Cooler Gifts

At Green Glass we offer all types of handmade products so that the client has a varied option when making all types of gifts. With regards to the JW cooler We can say that it is a very special present to give to fans of the brand. But in order not to limit ourselves to this audience, the icebox, being a original and innovative product in the sight of anyone, it is the perfect gift so that anyone can have it and give it the use that best suits their needs.

Handcrafted cooler with customization

La cooler is a handmade product like all of us who create in the Green Glass workshop. By cutting along its length, the bottle obtains its new shape and then undergoes artisanal polishing by hand. After these processes, the cooler is now alive and is preparing for customization.

When we say personalize the Johnnie Walker cooler we mean that we engrave some types of characters, drawings or logos on the glass. With this we make the product unique and exclusive, recommended for making all types of personalized gifts tailored to the client.

This product with its empty glass bottle. Consult.

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