LANCHI the glass artist founder of Green Glass

Lanchi and the course to learn how to cut glass bottles
Lanchi drinking whiskey

The story of the glass artist “Lanchi” is that of a passionate spirit who found his true calling in the transformation of waste into beauty. With over eight years of tireless dedication, he has turned ordinary glass bottles into extraordinary masterpieces. His journey began with a simple but powerful vision: to give new life to discarded materials, thus honoring the cycle of nature and creativity.

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Design with Jack Daniels bottle: THE CHEST

Skull chest Jack Daniels Honey

The recycled Jack Daniel's Honey whiskey bottle bottle chest is a gem among Green Glass' exclusive products. Through an artisanal cut of lanchi, this iconic whiskey bottle transforms into two parts: an upper and a lower part, joined together precisely using a hinge integrated into the stop. This meticulous technique fuses the upper part, known as the "beak", with the lower part, thus creating an elegant chest.

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Lamps with personalized glass bottles

Personalized Jack Daniels lamp

Lighting is essential in interior and exterior decoration. At Green Glass, we create innovative lamps using recycled glass bottles. Beyond illuminating spaces, our initiative seeks to contribute to the well-being of the environment. Each lamp represents a commitment to sustainability, fusing aesthetic functionality and environmental responsibility. With each creation, we do our part to improve the environment and promote eco-friendly practices, thus redefining lighting as a conscious and artistic expression.

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